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Anderly is a biomedical research scientist specialized in human genetics, tumour biology and drug development. His areas of expertise are: chromosomal aberrations, cancer genetics and epigenetics, targeted therapy (small molecules and monoclonal antibodies), and various aspects of biomarker research. His research activities has been carried out in various world-class research institutes and hospitals in Melbourne, Australia. He has been a honorary research fellow at the University of Melbourne since 2009. Anderly currently works at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

AACR Conference on Innovation and Biomarkers in Cancer Drug Development
September 8-9, 2016
Brussels, Belgium 
Bio21 Big Picture Seminar: CSL and the Australian Biomedical Research Sector 
June 2, 2016
Melbourne, Australia


IBS 2016, the 17th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition 
October 24 - 27, 2016
Melbourne, Australia


Welcome to The University of Melbourne. My Host Institution.

Model for REST-mediated transcriptional repression. Three main strategies utilising small-molecule inhibitors that could be employed to target REST-mediated gene repression are illustrated. Reference: Hoque et al., Pharmacol Ther (2016).

© 2016 by Anderly C. Chüeh.

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